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Thy light

In Thy Light

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All the rest will not do it. Praise the Lord, that is an essential part of the work of the Spirit. It is nothing to do with that. The light of God brings you to see the light concerning yourself, and every knowledge of self comes through that way.

If you have seen it, you have seen it, that is all. It seems as if they are quite alike. Without that, you cannot get anywhere.

PSALMS 36:9 KJV with thee [is] the fountain of life: in thy light shall we see - But - Of that glorious and blessed, and endless life, which alone is worthy of the name. It is not coming about by my turning within, analysing my own feelings, motives, everything that is going on within, and then trying to pronounce whether I am walking by the Spirit or from myself.

His word, not man, is the measure of all things. Within the light of His word there is clarity of all things. When man becomes autonomous, all becomes dark and obscure and ultimately a horror. Such is the testimony of scripture, reason, and history. When Adam beheld the creation he understood its meaning and purpose. His wife, his fellow-man, nature, the animals, work, and ethics were all seen in the light of God. And this knowledge of God was not something that Adam or his progeny would have to reason their way into. The knowledge thy light God was intuitive, instinctive in Adam. Through being in the image of God he was able to apprehend God in the creation as well as in his inner man — his spirit and conscience. For since the creation of the world His invisible attributes, eternal power, and divine nature have been clearly seen, being understood by what has been made so that they are without excuse. Man knows of the true God and His law and thus is culpable for his unbelief or rejection of God for an image. He knows it inwardly and outwardly but will not submit to that knowledge. He will, through flawed, elusive reason-invent religious, philosophic, psychological, political, scientific, artistic, and ethical systems that suppress accountability to the God who is there. All was knowable because in addition to the revelation of God in creation, God walked with Adam and spoke to him. To put it simply, man knew instinctively there was the true God and was thy light by God exactly who He was and what was His will. And the entire universe around man and within man made sense. To find life you must be free from God and autonomous. With that decision man and all his domain was thy light. He was autonomous and apart from God. Adrift in a world of himself. Alien to the God who was his life and being and meaning and standard. The limb on which he sat was severed. Rightly did Francis Schaeffer say that the most important verse in the Bible is Genesis 1:1. His word to man now became more than illumining. It became redemptive and salvific. It became inscripturated or written down thy light show man his history, the prophecy of the coming Savior, Jesus Christ, the King of Israel and His holy Law showing man his sin. And thus when its chief object, Jesus Christ, came into the world, the Bible with its Old Testament, the gospels, and the explanatory New Testament letters became the authoritative, self-attesting divine witness to salvation. Of how man could be made right again, reconciled back to God, and regenerated by and unto the truth. Truth must be truth because an authoritative, infinite Source says it is true. That source must be God. We Christians do not merely have the truth thy light we have the only possibility of truth. He cannot be man apart from the presuppositions of God. He sees a universe of order, diversity, and design. He reasons from a mind that thinks in laws of contradiction and finality. He is thinking in accordance to theistic principle. God is the lens through which he views and judges all reality. Only a creation of God can argue for atheism on rational, sensory, and moral grounds. Denton Bible Church archives sermons from each Sunday and makes them available online. Watch, listen, download and share. What better way to connect online with others in the church than Facebook?.

Mix - Thy Light
Rightly did Francis Schaeffer say that the most important verse in the Bible is Genesis 1:1. Instead of wood I will bring you bronze, and iron in place of stones. For with thee is the fountain of life: in thy light shall we see light. It became inscripturated or written down to show man his history, the prophecy of the coming Savior, Jesus Christ, the King of Israel and His holy Law showing man his sin. What is the attitude that can bring me to the place where I can see? To us sometimes we do not know, it may appear to be right, but the whole question is Life or death? We have read two passages, one in 1 Cor.

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